Friday, February 02, 2007


It's been a while since we did a true Trotter Family here goes...Emma Grace is doing very well. It is hard to believe that she will be two in just three and a half months. I get a little teary eyed everytime I think about it! My baby is getting so big. She is very active and talking up a storm. Its as if one day she just woke up and could say so many words. I definately think going to "school" has helped build her vocabulary. She really enjoys going to "school" now. She gets very excited upon arrival. I think it's because she knows its time to eat...or as she says..."eat eat". She goes to school most days and I pick her up after nap time. As some of you know I did not return to radiography school after Christmas break. I really enjoyed being at Grady, but I decided that radiology wasn't for me and that I just could not stand being away from my family so many hours a week. So I am now applying to nursing school which is closer to home (I have an entrance exam today) and looking for a part time job. This is why we decided to keep Emma Grace in "school", we didn't want her to have to readjust later. Ben is also doing very well...he is still enjoying his job of digging in the dirt. Here are some pictures that we have taken over the last month...I hope you enjoy them! Oh...and the potty she's not using it...she just likes to sit on it!

1 comment:

The Poitevints said...

Loved all of the pictures. She is precious. For the record, be glad she likes to sit on the potty! That will help when the time comes to train her, I'm sure! Glad to see all is well!
The Poitevints