Saturday, December 15, 2007

Emma Grace sings her favorites...

I am constantly amazed at the ability of a 2 year old and though she is my 2 year old and I am biased, I never realized that I would be amazed so often.

Thursday, December 13, 2007

Merry Christmas

It has been awhile since Ashley said that we would do a proper blog update so here it is. We have had a wonderful Christmas season so far and have done a lot more than we usually do. We have been to several Christmas parties and performances at our church. We went and rode the Pink Pig and Emma Grace told Santa what she wanted for Christmas. That all started out really rocky but turned out great. To bad the pictures I took of her on the Pink Pig turned out underexposed so we will not be posting any of those today. We hope all of you who read this (and even if you don't) have a wonderful Christmas. Here is a video and a couple of pictures of our Christmas.

Helping with the lights.

Getting the stockings "ready"
Mom and Dad don't know but...

Hanging an ornament
Hanging an ornament

Dad is not doing it right...or I am getting tired.
Crying because that ornament

I want this and I want that...
Pwease, pwease Santa...

Friday, October 19, 2007

New Pics

To see new pictures of Emma Grace click on the flickr link on the right of the screen. We are leaving for the beach in the morning...we will do a proper update when we get back!

Wednesday, September 19, 2007

Table talk with Emma Grace and other ramblings.

So much has been happening around here, or so it seems, that we have neglected our blog and figured it was time for a bit of an update. We have had a roller coaster summer and it has brought me to his point. Ok, maybe roller coaster is a bit extreme because our summer has flown by relatively quietly. We have visited places and we have spent time with our families and friends doing various activities that mostly centered around Emma Grace. We took her to the Macon Museum of Arts and Sciences. This was basically a short day trip in which we spent quality time together and visited some educational/historical places to try to enrich Emma's already well rounded personality. She had a great time looking at the dinosaurs and looking at the various exhibits which had a lot of hands on stuff for her to play with. It was a good time.

We visited my(Ben's) sister and brother in law and our new nephew who was born in July. He came early but is doing great now. That was a fun road trip to Birmingham and back. I think for me the most amazing part was that Emma Grace slept from the time we left their house and did not wake up till we pulled in our driveway.

We are still trying to sell our house. That is all I will say about that.

We are going to Charleston in October and possibly to Florida at the end of October. Then we are planning on going to Disney World in either December or January. That is still up in the air. Crazy, I know. But there is a method to this madness somewhere.

That is all for now. Here is a clip of Emma Grace now at the dinner table where she entertains us with her sometimes witty yet innocent view of her world. I thought this summed her up pretty good. Really, it was the cutest thing that I could pull off the video that didn't include applesauce falling out of her mouth.

Friday, July 06, 2007

4th of July

We had a great 4th of July as we hope all of you did. We started the day by attending the local parade in downtown Griffin. It was Emma Grace's first parade and she had a blast. Later that afternoon we went to a friends house to swim and cookout. It was a fun and relaxing day. Here are some pictures from the day...

Tuesday, June 26, 2007

My Tribute To A Wonderful Lady

Ben's Grandmother Grace Trotter passed away on Friday, June 15, 2007. She was a wonderful grandmother and great-grandmother. She loved her family more than anything in this world. She treated me as family from the first moment I met her, and even though I only had the privaledge of knowing her for eight short years she had also become my grandmother. I remember the first time Ben took me to meet her she was very excited (as she always was to see her favorite grandson) she told Ben to hold on to me because I was a good one. He told me that on the way home and I just remember how special that made me feel. She had a way of making you feel special and loved. She loved Emma Grace and loved to tell anyone who would listen about her wonderful great-grandaughter who just happened to be named after her. She loved to tell stories...sometimes you had heard them before but you didn't care because you just enjoyed listening to her and her adventures. Grandmother had some vision problems that caused light to bother her so she always had on a sun visor wether it be day or night inside or out. Emma Grace and I made a sunvisor the other day and when I took this picture of her all I could think about was grandmother and how much she loved her little Emma Grace.

Thursday, May 31, 2007

Video Update...

We had a great vacation...Emma Grace woke up better the day that we were suppose to leave and thankfully Ben and I never got sick. The Lord was watching over us. I will work on uploading some pictures from the vacation onto flickr but for now here is a video of Emma Grace saying her bedtime prayers and some random clips from vacation.

Thursday, May 17, 2007

Emma Grace turns 2 and gets the stomach virus...

I can't believe my baby turned two yesterday. She is getting to be such a big girl. Unfortunately she did not have the best birthday...she has had the stomach virus since Sunday...making this the 5th day. Hopefully she is far so good today...keep your fingers crossed! We are scheduled to leave in the morning to go on vacation so please keep us in your prayers. Despite the unfortunate birthday Emma Grace did have a great party this past Saturday. The theme was a beach party...she loves being outside so it was perfect for her. We had a sandbox, a fish shaped sprinkler, and a slide/climber. She and all the kids had a blast. To see more pictures of the party click on the pictures to the right.

Monday, March 26, 2007

ING Georgia Marathon and Half Marathon

I did it! I ran my first half marathon yesterday...13.1 miles. We had a great time...our goal(which we made at mile 8) was to come in at 2 hours or under but my official time was 2:02:58...just over our goal time...if you would have seen the last 3 miles you would understand why! It was a great course...lots of scenery...just a lot of hills! I did learn one very important lesson during my run...I don't EVER want to do a Full Marathon...those people are crazy(excluding my awesome running buddies who have done multiple marathons)! Here are my results along with my friends results.

ASHLEY TROTTER (Half) | Bib #14012 | GRIFFIN, GA - USA | Age 27 | F
7:06:28 AM EST 59:48 2:02:58
TIME Chip Time: 2:02:58 Clock: 2:05:45 Pace: 9:22
Place Overall: 1969 Gender: 689 Division: 207

ANGELA HILL (Half) | Bib #12150 | GRIFFIN, GA - USA | Age 44 | F
7:06:27 AM EST 59:49 2:01:53
TIME Chip Time: 2:01:53 Clock: 2:04:39 Pace: 9:17
Place Overall: 1817 Gender: 627 Division: 143

AMANDA FRANKLIN (Half) | Bib #15552 | GRIFFIN, GA - USA | Age 34 | F
59:49 2:03:09
TIME Chip Time: 2:03:09 Clock: 2:05:57 Pace: 9:23
Place Overall: 1986 Gender: 697 Division: 288

STEPHANIE MILLER (Half) | Bib #13516 | GRIFFIN, GA - USA | Age 34 | F
7:06:28 AM EST 59:50 2:03:10
TIME Chip Time: 2:03:10 Clock: 2:05:56 Pace: 9:23
Place Overall: 1983 Gender: 695 Division: 286

SUSAN SCANLON (Half) | Bib #14227 | GRIFFIN, GA - USA | Age 37 | F
7:06:27 AM EST 59:50 2:03:11
TIME Chip Time: 2:03:11 Clock: 2:05:56 Pace: 9:23
Place Overall: 1985 Gender: 696 Division: 287

Wednesday, February 28, 2007

Emma Grace Counts to Ten

Here is a video clip we took of Emma Grace tonight counting to ten. As you can hear she is not real sure what comes after six and in between she just makes something up. Enjoy!

Friday, February 02, 2007

Bedtime Chat

Check out this video of Emma Grace talking and doing animals sounds while getting ready for bed...Also check out the update with pics underneath.


It's been a while since we did a true Trotter Family here goes...Emma Grace is doing very well. It is hard to believe that she will be two in just three and a half months. I get a little teary eyed everytime I think about it! My baby is getting so big. She is very active and talking up a storm. Its as if one day she just woke up and could say so many words. I definately think going to "school" has helped build her vocabulary. She really enjoys going to "school" now. She gets very excited upon arrival. I think it's because she knows its time to eat...or as she says..."eat eat". She goes to school most days and I pick her up after nap time. As some of you know I did not return to radiography school after Christmas break. I really enjoyed being at Grady, but I decided that radiology wasn't for me and that I just could not stand being away from my family so many hours a week. So I am now applying to nursing school which is closer to home (I have an entrance exam today) and looking for a part time job. This is why we decided to keep Emma Grace in "school", we didn't want her to have to readjust later. Ben is also doing very well...he is still enjoying his job of digging in the dirt. Here are some pictures that we have taken over the last month...I hope you enjoy them! Oh...and the potty she's not using it...she just likes to sit on it!