Emma Grace is doing well also. She is as smart as a whip and has the memory of an elephant...which doesn't bode well for me b/c she remembers everything that I say, especially that which involves me taking her to the park or to get "treats". I could see the skepticism in her eyes when we first brought Harris home but she has warmed up to the fact that he is here and his place in our family is set. She has turned up the heat on vying for our attention and sometimes it is hard to meet her demands with a smile but we always do it because we know at this time it is important that she feels the same amount of love that she got before Harris.
We have now been home for 2 complete weeks. Sleep slips us by as we are now functioning completely on anything we can ingest that might have a hint of caffiene (Ben) or no sodium, low fat, tasteless food (Ashley:). Harris also has found that sleeping at night is for loser babies and has joined his dad as a late night junky. Since my initial venture began to write this blog entry, Harris has gained almost a pound back but he is not quite back to his birth weight. This was worrisome to us for a while but knew that he would come around.
Ashley is doing well and has recovered from her section quite nicely.
Now back to the changing of the title. Emma Grace has this fascination with dinosaurs and giving her new brother nick names. Well, Lemon Pucker is the latest in a long line of names that she has come up with. T. Rex, well that is just what she wants to be while she chases me around the house. Harris was Archie Coco to Coco to Coco Harris Tate Coco to Lemon Pucker...and this just in...He is now Funk Bunk.