Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Oh baby brother (or sister), where art thou?...

Its no secret, at least to those who are close to us, that we are pregnant. Well, Ashley is anyway. I always thought that when couples stated that "they were pregnant" that is sounded sort of wierd. Some older generations attempt to include the male in the process of pregnancy which everyone knows that after "it" happens, then its all about the woman from that point on. The great thing about this is that I am excited and perfectly alright with it being that way. This blog is in no way about me though, the dad, I just wanted to take a moment to stand up for all expectant dads across the nation and let you know that I am there.

So without further a due, I am officially announcing to our blog friends and anyone who happens across this post, that I am officially dropping the phrase,"we are pregnant" and replacing it with the more acceptable phrase, "Ashley is pregnant and I still get to do all the things I was doing before".

Emma Grace is excited, as far as we know, about having a baby around. If you catch her at the right moment she will tell you to be quiet because the baby is asleep. She goes back and forth between wanting a brother then a sister and sometimes one of each. She has even told us that she is going to be a "big sister -and- brother". Not sure what that means but to her I am sure its her way of reminding us that she is okay with sharing the reservation with someone else.