we were sitting at the dinner table (a few weeks ago) the other night eating hamburgers of which emma grace has never eaten much less tasted before. she is destined to be a vegan much to my dismay. we prepared our plates and sat at the table as a family as we always do. we blessed our meal and began to eat. emma grace decided that she wasn't going to eat her specially prepared hamburger...tiny meat, lots of cheese, lots of bread. we went through the whole ordeal of bribing her, telling her "big girls eat hamburgers and they get dessert if they do" to trying to just get her to stick enough of it in her mouth to hopefully change her view of how good hamburgers really are. None of this worked and we were at our wits end(a bunch of other things happened during this time that if your a parent would push you to the brink as well). ashley gave her final ultimatum and basically told emma grace that she just had to try the burger and if she didn't like it she didn't have to eat it...one would think that this would be a deal that a 3 year old would agree to.
no, instead she looked at ashley square in the eye and said, "no mommy, jesus told me i didn't have to eat hamburgers"
this pretty much ended that.